How Jedi Fallen Order 2 Can Introduce Darth Revan | Screen Rant

Respawn's popular Jedi: Fallen Order was a redemption story for EA's series of Star Wars games and reimagined what modern Star Wars titles could offer players. While little has been revealed about Jedi: Fallen Order 2's plans (and the game hasn't even been officially announced yet), Respawn has the potential to introduce many new characters into the game's sequel. One of the more popular figures of Star Wars that has yet to appear in one of EA's games, and only recently returned to Disney's new canon, is Darth Revan.
Darth Revan is a Sith Lord that first appeared in Knights of the Old Republic, and made a return in BioWare's Star Wars The Old Republic MMO in the Shadow of Revan DLC. Their gender is still up for debate, as players could dictate every aspect of Revan's appearance and personality in KOTOR, and SWTOR's canon is still questionable. However, Revan's story and character is something that fans have been clamoring for throughout Star Wars' various TV shows and movies. The character's appearance in the sequel to a well-received game could be the perfect narrative tool to revive some of the franchise's old canon, and there are several ways to do it.
One of the most important plot devices in Darth Revan's story was the Star Forge, a series of terminals that became a sentient, automated shipyard infused with Dark Side powers and energies. Darth Revan limited their contact with the artifacts in order to prevent it from gaining undue influence over them, and then attempted to use the Star Forge's knowledge to gain power over the galaxy. At the conclusion of Knights of the Old Republic, players had the opportunity to destroy the Star Forge to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Star Wars' Cal Kestis could be used as an agent of the Light Side to destroy any remnant of the Star Forge and prevent the Empire from discovering or using its powers against the Rebellion. Pursuing this goal would uncover Darth Revan's lost legacy, and return it to its well-deserved spotlight.

A Jedi Holocron containing the names of Force-sensitive children was the focus of the first Jedi: Fallen Order, so a Sith Holocron returning as an important plot device in the sequel could be an interesting narrative shift. Several Sith Holocrons have existed in other forms of Star Wars media, such as Star Wars: Rebels, but a focused presence in a video game could explain more about the knowledge and legends of ancient Sith Lords. As a powerful Sith, Darth Revan's lessons and teachings were likely stowed within their own Sith Holocron. Its discovery by Cal Kestis, or another protagonist, could lead to a revival of ancient Dark Side abilities. Being able to mix Dark and Light Side powers in a single character is a feature that is largely unexplored in the Star Wars franchise, and could set Jedi: Fallen Order 2 apart from other Star Wars games.
There are several prominent characters that have endeavored past death in the form of Force Ghosts, including Star Wars' Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Yoda. As a former Jedi and powerful Sith Lord, Darth Revan could have access to this ability and fulfill the role of a manipulative mentor figure for Cal Kestis (or another protagonist) in the game's sequel. Throughout the movies, Force Ghosts have been presented as figures that guide Star Wars' various protagonists through their greatest challenges over the course of the plot. Darth Revan could subvert this expectation and be used as a "devil on the shoulder" type of Force Ghost in an attempt to turn Cal toward the Dark Side.
There is still nothing but rumors and speculation surrounding Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 right now, and its failure to appear at EA Play 2021 suggests it is still quite far from a full release. However, Darth Revan could be the star character that brings the series into the spotlight and continues to redeem EA's Star Wars titles. Jedi: Fallen Order 2 has no release date or official title, but its existence and development have recently been confirmed.
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