The Thing's Ultimate Form Makes the Hulk Look Pathetic

While it has been well established that the Thing is in no way a match for the Hulk - something even Stan Lee pointed out - Ben Grimm's ultimate form leveled the playing field with a staggering upgrade.
Ben Grimm became the Thing after he and his team of astronauts, who would later be known as the Fantastic Four, blasted off into space and were hit with a surge of cosmic rays, granting each of them unique superpowers. While the other three members of his crew gained abilities that weren’t readily apparent, Grimm was permanently transformed into a rocky creature, given his less than complimentary moniker by a shocked Invisible Woman. For years, the Thing tried to regain his humanity by shedding his rocky form, though time after time he came up short. However, when the Thing received his most powerful upgrade to date, he ventured even further away from his human form.
In the Marvel Comics series Siege: Battleworld by Kieron Gillen, Filipe Andrade, James Stokoe, and Jorge Coelho, humanity is ruled by Doctor Doom on a planet known as Battleworld. The planet is divided in two with a giant, unbreachable wall known as the Shield which runs across the landscape of the entire world. On one side lives humanity and on the other exists a horde of villainous creatures such as Annihilus’ forces, the Marvel Zombies, and an army of Ultron bots. In actual fact, the Shield guarding humanity from the monsters behind it is actually Ben Grimm, in a twisted punishment dreamed up by Doctor Doom - a torturous fate that Grimm wears like a badge of honor. However, Thanos tells Grimm that this world was actually created by Doom himself as opposed to Doom being humanity’s savior, and that every terrible thing that had ever happened on Battleworld was of Doom’s own design. After becoming aware of this unforgivable truth, the Thing unshackles himself from his cemented position and becomes a hulking Kaiju riddled with unimaginable torment and fueled by vengeful rage, joining the forces assaulting Doom's fortress.

While the Thing is eventually defeated after a brainwashed Franklin Richards interrupts his fist fight with Doom's enslaved version of Galactus, his greatest feat is acting as the Shield itself. Every day a literal army - whether it be a creature concocted by Annihilus, an army of Ultron's robots, or a legion of superpowered zombies - launches an attack against the wall, which happens to also be Ben's literal skin. No matter what they do, nothing could pierce the Thing’s rocky form, and Ben is able to hold off threats that would decimate even Hulk.
While Hulk is usually the stronger hero, the Thing is famous for taking any amount of punishment in order to save others. In his role as the Shield, Ben Grimm embodies this role like never before, protecting an entire world from the cruelty of Doctor Doom and threats no single hero could ever stop alone. While the Thing may know he's usually no match for the Hulk, his time on Battleworld revealed a form that exceeds even the Green Goliath's power, all while making Ben Grimm more heroic than ever.
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