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10 Unrealized David Fincher Projects Redditors Want To See The Most

David Fincher is one of the most celebrated auteurs working in Hollywood today, and he has just announced that his next movie, The Killer, has wrapped filming. The movie comes just two years after Mank, but the director generally takes half a decade between movies.

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Fincher isn't simply twiddling his thumbs in those years, but he's in the development stages of movies that unfortunately lead nowhere. The thriller visionary has way more unrealized projects than most other directors, and Redditors have been quick to debate which ones should have been seen through to the end.

David Fincher's 2011 thriller The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo managed to achieve what few Hollywood remakes of foreign films do. The movie is way better than the original, and fans wanted to see the director adapt two more novels in the Millennium book series, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.

A deleted user notes that "nobody is better suited to adapt those stories than Fincher. He and that trilogy would be a match made in heaven." Not long after Dragon Tattoo's release, it was reported by Collider that Fincher would be shooting the two sequels back-to-back. Unfortunately, that never happened, and audiences instead got the watered-down soft reboot, The Girl with the Spider's Web, in 2018.

The thriller director had been trying to get an adaptation of the beloved sci-fi novel, Rendezvous with Rama, off the ground for years. But according to Slash Film, the filmmaker has finally given up. It's hardly surprising that Fincher abandoned the development, as he doesn't have a great history with the sci-fi genre and he famously hates Alien 3, his directorial debut. The movie could have been the start of an epic sci-fi movie franchise, as there are six books in the novel in the series, most of which are just as good as the original.

But while Apothecaryfire was excited about the project, Fincher's departure is a blessing and a curse. The Redditor notes that "Denis Villeneuve is my ideal choice to do the material. Was very excited to hear he was attached to the project. Should be a perfect pairing." Villeneuve is now attached to the project, and after directing sci-fi epics like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune, he's the perfect candidate.

According to The Movie Blog, Fincher dropped out of directing Catch Me If You Can to make Panic Room instead. Appropriate_Yak_2609 reckons that "uniting that great story with his visual style would be a one-of-a-kind movie!" In the end, the movie ended up being directed by Steven Spielberg and was released in 2002.

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Fincher and Spielberg have extremely different sensibilities, as Spielberg always injects schmalz and sentimentality into his adventure movies, whereas Fincher makes them as dark and nihilistic as possible. The latter probably isn't the best direction for what became the 2002 movie, and it surely would have felt more like The Fugitive than anything. Either way, though Catch Me If You Can might not have been the right vehicle for him, no subgenre sounds more fitting for Fincher than a cat-and-mouse chase movie.

HagbardCelineHere points to the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Disney remake that's seemingly stuck in development hell. According to The Playlist, Fincher left the project because Disney wouldn't let him cast Channing Tatum, but the Redditor has other casting ideas. The user notes, "we're all seeing that 20,000 Leagues option and forgetting that Nicolas Cage just told us in his AMA that Captain Nemo is his #1 dream of a character to play?"

The Redditor is referring to the recent Reddit AMA that Nicolas Cage recently took part in. Along with revealing that he wants to do Face/Off 2 and returning to Ghost Rider, the eccentric actor confessed that the one role he wants more than any other is Captain Nemo. And with that news, makes the idea of a collaboration between Fincher and Cage for an underwater thriller the best movie ever made.

There's a certain etiquette in Hollywood about remaking classics, as most of them are off-limits and 2016's Ben Hur is a perfect example as to why. But Cleopatra could make for a great remake because, while it is visually stunning and so ambitious in scope, it does have a lot of drawbacks too. According to Deadline, Fincher had the reigns to the property in 2011 with Angelina Jolie set to star as the Egyptian queen.

Puzzled-Journalist-4 is a huge fan of the idea, stating, "I really wanna see David Fincher's sword-and-sandal epic film. It would be a feast for my eyes." Though it never happened, the movie is still in development, only now Gal Gadot is attached to star with Kari Skogland in the director's chair.

According to The Guardian, Cruise specifically wanted Fincher to direct the third entry in the Mission: Impossible series. Before writer-director Christopher McQuarrie spearheaded the series with Rogue Nation, Fallout, and the two upcoming sequels, there was a different visionary director behind each movie. Though McQuarrie has made the series bigger than ever, having Brian De Palma, Brad Bird, and John Woo behind the films gave each release a unique look and aesthetic.

J.J. Abrams put his spin on Mission: Impossible III too, but that's precisely why Harkness2001 thinks the studio should have stuck with their first choice for director. The Redditor wanted Fincher to direct because "with him as director, J. J. Abrams would've never had his big break into Hollywood and quite likely his style of storytelling would likely never come about."

While Hard Boiled is an action-packed 1992 Hong Kong movie that wouldn't be surprising for Fincher to direct a Hollywood remake of, the Hard Boiled that Lord-Sinestro is referring to is the Frank Miller comic book. The Redditor rhetorically asks, "Fincher directing Frank Miller? That’s a match made in heaven"

Though the director and Cage will never work together on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, they did come close to working together on the adaptation of the graphic novel. According to Slash Film, Fincher and Cage were developing the movie in 2001. There have been loads of great Frank Miller movies, but this could have been the best.

Chemical Pink is a novel based on a female bodybuilder, and it delves into the obsession with becoming the very best at something and the consequences that come with it. According to Indie Wire, the director was set to reteam with Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk, who was going to pen the screenplay.

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It would have made for one of the edgier Fincher-directed movies, but nothing, unfortunately, came of it. CardinalBuzz wonders "if both Black Swan and The Wrestler coming out were the reason that got killed? Still love the concept and Fincher would crush it." Both of those movies have extremely similar themes, and it's a shame director Darren Aronofsky got there first, as Black Swan was a huge success, making $330 million worldwide.

Stgrmainjr860 refers to Black Hole as the undeveloped movie they wish Fincher saw through to the end. It's yet another adaptation of a comic book that's both a sci-fi series and deals with sexually transmitted diseases amongst teenagers. The Redditor notes that "it's more Cronenberg territory, but damn would I have loved to see Fincher tackle that material"

Director David Cronenberg would faithfully adapt the source material, but he has his hands full with another futuristic sci-fi movie, Crimes of the Future. Interestingly, while Fincher has never adapted a comic book, between Black Hole and Hard Boiled, he has come close on several occasions. Not to mention that he almost directed a Batman movie.

Following 2014's Gone Girl, Fincher was planning on remaking the Alfred Hitchcock classic Strangers on a Train. Instead, that didn't happen and Fincher stayed quiet for six years until 2020's Mank. According to Deadline, the movie was going to bring back the Gone Girl dream team, as not only was Fincher going to direct, but Ben Affleck was set to star, and Gillian Flynn was set to write the screenplay too.

Bettymacbeth thinks that a remake with Fincher in the director's chair would have been perfect mostly because of an unpopular opinion. The Redditor argues that Strangers on a Train is "one of Hitchcock's weaker films and people misinterpret the book's legacy for the film."

NEXT: 10 Older Movies That Surprisingly Haven't Been Remade Yet, According To Reddit

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