The 10 Biggest Himbos On Big Brother | ScreenRant
According to Urban Dictionary, the Internet's foremost source for slang terminology, a himbo is essentially the male version of a "bimbo," i.e., a large, muscular and attractive man who loves women but isn't exactly the most intelligent one in the room. While the term is somtimes used in a derogatory fashion, it's all a matter of perspective.
Like many other reality shows, Big Brother has had its share of players with genius strategies. But it's also had many "himbos" among the players. Mostly, they take their titles in stride, fully embracing the label without taking offense to it. Indeed, no offense should be taken. Based on the personas some of the players adopt for the show (which might not necessarily reflect their true natures outside the game) there have been some memorable BB himbos.
10 Jackson Michie (Season 21)

Jackson Michie can't be all that unintelligent. He did, after all, win his season and come out of it with a girlfriend. With that said, he wasn't respected as much in the house as he might have hoped. Although he was a dominant player, many houseguests and fans didn't like his macho attitude.
Jackson had a big blowout with his showmance, Holly, that made it to a broadcast episode. He made some questionable moves in the game (often referencing his strategy as "playing chess, not checkers") and spent a lot of his time working out in the backyard to maintain his muscular physique. Smart or not, that labels him a himbo.
9 Jessie Godderz (Seasons 10 & 11)

Jessie called himself "Mr. Pectacular" and played a game full of anger and narcissism. It made him one of the best villains from Big Brother that fans love to hate. Although he had loyal friends in the house, he also spent much of his time focused on himself and his outward appearance. In fact, he returned several times in subsequent seasons to play up the persona.
Whether his on-creen persona reflects Jessie's real off-screen personality or not, fans can't say for sure. The bodybuilder went on to work as a professional wrestler and continues to be a member of the Big Brother family, so, clearly, he did not take much offense to his himbo status on the show.
8 Cody Calafiore (Season 16, 22)

Cody wasn't as muscular as some of the other himbos on Big Brother, but there was often a focus on his lack of intelligence, particularly when he played as an all-star during season 22. There's no denying that Cody is a good-looking and fit man, but he admittedly isn't the smartest guy in the room.
But the joke was on everyone else when Cody went on to win anyway, and that was after placing second the first time he played. Cody won even though many felt it was a himbo moment for him to take Derrick to the finale with him out of loyalty when Derrick was seen an a much better player than Cody. Despite his success, Cody seems fully aware that while he might have a heart of gold, he's not the sharpest strategist in the history of the show.
7 Jack Mathews (Season 21)

From the moment he was introduced on the show, flipping his long hair while emerging from the water, it was clear that Jack embraced his himbo status. Jack received a lot of flack in the house for some of the questionable things he said and his bullying behavior. He was also far from a fan-favorite, and viewers were eager to see him get evicted from the house.
A tall, strapping man who often compared himself to actor Jason Momoa due to their uncanny resemblance, fans weren't as enamored with Jack as they are with the man who played Aquaman. Jack's actions were so questionable that host Julie Chen absolutely grilled him once he finally got evicted.
6 Bryan Ollie (Season 10)

Ollie had good intentions, but he put his himbo status on full display when he trusted Dan to keep him and his ally Michelle safe. He threw an HoH competition to Dan, only for Dan to backstab him and send Michelle packing.
It was a move that had fans slapping their foreheads in disbelief that Ollie didn't see how it would all play out. What's more, he saw immediate fallout in one of the best double evictions on Big Brother, when Ollie was put up on the block and sent home next. He was a handsome and fit man, but clearly not the smartest player for making this move, which remains one of the worst in Big Brother history.
5 Jeff Schroeder (Season 11)

Jeff didn't fit the big, muscular guy stereotype. He was fit and attractive, yet much smaller than other himbos on this list. Still, it was that one moment in the spelling game when he spelled the word "technotronic" (which isn't actually a real word) that solidified his himbo status.
Jeff was fully aware that he didn't possess the same level of intelligence as other players. It didn't really matter as he came out of the game being named America's Favorite Houseguest and finding his future wife.
4 Zach Swerdzewski (Season 8)

In another of the worst moves ever in Big Brother history, Zach could have single-handedly changed the outcome of his season if he'd taken the opportunity he had to backdoor either Danielle or Dick Donato. Splitting up the father-daughter power duo would have been a wise move considering that they were obviously on a fast track to the finale together.
Unfortunately for Zach and the rest of the house, he squandered the opportunity and didn't take the chance. As expected, Dick and Danielle made it to the final two, with Dick emerging as the winner of the season.
3 Mark Jansen (Season 19)

He was a big teddy bear in the game, and it was tough not to like Mark. He had a showmance with Elena, whom he dated after the show as well, though it always seemed like he was more into her than she was into him.
Mark sort of floated in the background along with his alliance, not having to make big moves himself. Chances are good that if he had the opportunity, he would not have made a big move anyway. Mark was sweet, but he falls into the himbo category because he demonstrated more brawn than brains.
2 Christian Birkenberger (Season 23)

Despite being ranked one of the most likely to win season 23 of Big Brother, Christian was taken out early on given his status as a fierce competitor. Yet some players such as Hannah were clear that they felt Christian didn't have much going on beneath the surface, and that he could have been easily manipulated.
Hannah though Christian was a great competitor but that his skills ended there. Christian was well-liked by many in the house, but he was also considered to be arrogant and self-absorbed. And when it came to his intellect, no one really saw him as much of a threat.
1 Memphis Garrett (Season 10, 22)

Most famous for placing second to fan-favorite player and winner Dan Gheesling, then for sparking up a romance with Christmas when he returned to play in an all-stars season (despite reportedly having a girlfriend at the time), Memphis is no slouch in the intelligence department.
With that said, Memphis was a young man when he first entered the Big Brother house, and he was able to play up his brawny "himbo" side more than anything. As part of one of the most successful alliances ever in Big Brother, The Renegades, Memphis got himself far both times. Nonetheless, he still remains firmly in the category of great Big Brother himbos.
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