How To Hide Photos On An iPhone & Unhide Them Again | Screen Rant

There may be times when an iPhone user wants to keep photos private from others in the household or workplace and Apple makes this fairly easy once the method is known. As with many iOS features, the tasks that come up less frequently are placed a little out of the way. This is the case with hidden photos, and given that the goal is to keep them secret, it is just as well that the feature isn’t presented as a big, colorful button.
Apple launched Photos for iOS in 2014 and quickly ported it to the Mac in 2015 replacing the more awkward iPhoto app. By 2016, Photos was released for tvOS becoming the default photo app for every Apple device that includes or outputs to a screen. With iCloud photos syncing automatically across any device signed in with the same Apple ID, it is easy to save and access photos throughout the house, on the road and at work. With Photos potentially showing up everywhere, Apple realized the need to limit access in some way.
Hiding photos on an iPhone is really quite easy when one knows where to look. A single photo can be hidden by opening the photo in the Photos app, then tapping the share menu icon, which looks like a blank page with an upward arrow protruding from the top. In the share menu, there should be an option labeled ‘Hide.’ Selecting this option will move the current photo out of the main view. Multiple photos can be hidden by going to the grid view in the Photos app and tapping the ‘Select’ button and then tapping on each photo that is to be removed from the main view. When a photo is selected a blue checkmark will appear at the bottom right of the image. After choosing the photos, opening the share menu and tapping ‘Hide’ will remove all of the photos with a checkmark from the main view.

When iPhone photos are hidden they are removed from the main view, but can still be found in a photo album called ‘Hidden.’ Simply placing images that are supposed to be secret in an album labeled as hidden may arise more suspicion than wanted, but Apple thought of that and provides a second level of hiding. The hidden album behaves just like any other album until the album itself is hidden, which can be done in the Settings app. Simply open Settings and find the Photos options on the left sidebar, then switch off the ‘Hidden Album’ option. This doesn’t delete the photos, but rather removes the album from view in the Photos app.
With any surprise photos or photos suitable for a limited audience hidden from accidental viewing or outright snooping, it’s important to understand how to undo this for the album and individual photos. The process is the same but in reverse. The hidden album can be revealed by switching it on again in the Settings app. Then in the Photos app, find the album labeled ‘Hidden’ near the bottom of the ‘Albums’ tab, just above ‘Recently Deleted.’ Go into the hidden album to see the secret photos. To return any iPhone photo to the main view, select one or more and in the share menu, and choose ‘Unhide.’
Source: Apple
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