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Which New Girl Character Should Be Your Best Friend Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

For many people, especially fictional characters in worlds created for television, friendship is a fine balance. Friends who are too much alike make for some very boring storylines, while friends who are too different create more conflict than necessary. A balance can be found amongst zodiac signs for those interested in astrology - even when it comes to figuring out the best friend a fan could have amongst New Girl characters.

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The New Girl characters all have very distinct personality traits, allowing fans to theorize which astrological signs they most likely fall under. With that knowledge in mind, one astrology theory finds that opposing signs are the most compatible, making it relatively simple to figure out which character would make for a fan's best friend.

12 Aries: Paul

Fans born under the sign of Aries are go-getters, jumping in headfirst. Some might call them impulsive, not thinking about consequences. They need someone who will help them see the outcomes of those impulses.

A character like Jess' first post-Spencer boyfriend Paul, who embodies a Libra's sense of charm and balance, is the perfect friend. Paul is just as likely to go along with an outlandish shenanigan as he is to take a step back and question what it is they're doing. These friends would have a lot of fun together, but would probably avoid a whole lot of trouble as well.

11 Taurus: Coach

A Taurus is a creature of comfort. They have an appreciation for stability, the finer things in life, and a severe stubborn streak. Being as tenacious as they are, they'd likely butt heads with Coach in the early days of their friendship, but the two would always find common ground.

Coach exhibits a lot of the classic Scorpio traits, meaning he keeps plenty of things to himself, but he's just as aggressively stubborn as a Taurus. Once these two get passed their stubborn determination and get to know one another, they'd be friends for life. Coach would pull the Taurus out of their comfort zone a bit, and in turn, he'd learn the value of being a bit more sentimental.

10 Gemini: Schmidt

Geminis tend to be people pleasers. They make friends easily, but they also have a tendency to conform to whatever their friends' interests are. Geminis need a best friend who is going to be real with them.

No one is more brutally honest than Schmidt. A self-proclaimed Sagittarius, Schmidt is honest to a fault. He doesn't do it to hurt his friends, but to help them. Schmidt is always there when his friends need him, and he would be more than happy to figure out ways to hang out with his new Gemini pal that actually interested them.

9 Cancer: Reagan

Loyalty and finding the good in everyone is the Cancer way. Cancers also, however, are incredibly sensitive people, hurt easily by those that know them best. They need someone who is going to understand them and be real. They also need someone who can pull them out of their own head.

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That's where the practical and ambitious Reagan comes in. She's got a lot of Capricorn tendencies with her focus on her career. But Reagan also learns how to deal with sensitive issues once living in the loft. She's blunt and would be able to quickly and decisively figure out a compromise in an argument, helping to maintain a balance in a friendship with a Cancer.

8 Leo: Winston

Leos love to have a good time. They also love plenty of attention. Leos need a friend who can both give them the attention they crave and share in their party antics, while still knowing when to pull them back from the edge. That friend is Winston.

Winston loves a game of True American and loves to pull a good prank. A Leo would help Winston hone his pranking skills, and would definitely love to be on his team in True American. Winston, however, would also be level headed enough to know when the party has to stop and be willing to go his own way for a while before the friends did something they would regret.

7 Virgo: Jess

Virgos are planners. They plan their days down to the minute and set their five year goals early. They need someone who understands that tendency, but someone who can bring creativity to balance it out - someone like Jess.

Jess has a lot of Pisces in her. While Virgos tend to be very analytical, Pisces tend to be more emotion-focused. The two would love to take on complicated projects that would marry analysis and creativity, bringing them closer.

6 Libra: Abby

Libras are the charmers of the zodiac. They're able to find compromise in even the worst situations. That can lead to them playing it safe a lot because they're so caught up in making others happy. A Libra's best friend would be best as a fiery Aries to get them to be more of a risk taker.

The character who embodies that is Jess' big sister Abby. While Cece and Jess are wary of Abby's antics when she appears in the third season, Abby is searching for what makes her happy. She likes trying new things and encourages those around her to push boundaries. She would be a great friend for the more cautious Libra.

5 Scorpio: Robby

Though Scorpios tend to aggressively go after the things they want, they also keep to themselves a lot. They aren't ones to let people get too close too quickly. That's why they need a friendship that offers them stability and space to be vulnerable.

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A friendship with Robby does just that. Though he has a lot in common with Jess in terms of his creative leanings, he's also one of the most reliable people in the show. Robby would never leave a friend hanging out to dry, and his steadfast nature would mean that eventually, a Scorpio would open up to him and find a lifelong friendship.

4 Sagittarius: Cece

In addition to a Sagittarius being one of the most honest of zodiac signs, they also have a tendency to have severe wanderlust. That leads to them wanting to try new things and visit new places, and they need a friend who understands that.

As a model, Cece has already had the chance to wander and try new things. She's got a lot of Gemini in her, allowing Cece to understand how to fit in to new places, making her the perfect friend to help a Sagittarius on a journey of self discovery.

3 Capricorn: Nick

Capricorns are the most hard working and ambitious of the zodiac. They also, despite not always showcasing their emotions, tend to be drawn to a sense of community and familial responsibility. Capricorns need friends who can pull them out of their shell and help them relax. Who better to do that than Nick Miller?

Though Nick does develop his own ambitions, if someone needs a day out with no responsibilities, he's their man. Nick understands when it's time to get serious and when it's time to let everything go. He'd make sure his Capricorn best friend is able to de-stress.

2 Aquarius: Sam

Aquarius is the zodiac's rebel. They tend to go off on their own instead of joining the crowd. An Aquarius needs a friend who can help them join the party, someone who can remind them what it's like to be part of the group without pushing them too far.

Someone like Sam, who has a tendency to be a life-of-the-party Leo, would be able to do that for an Aquarius. He can effortlessly put the attention squarely on his friend, or when seeing they're too uncomfortable with it, place himself in the middle of the party instead.

1 Pisces: Aly

Pisces, with their tendency to daydream and think up complicated creative solutions to problems, need a friend who is more grounded to rein them in.

Aly, with her very strict career goals and her cautious nature, would be a perfect friend for a Pisces. She knows how to let go, as evidenced by her game show competition past and her masterful prank, but the Virgo in her means she takes her connections with people seriously. She and a Pisces would balance one another out, finding common ground that they could both enjoy without jeopardizing their friendship.

NEXT: New Girl Characters Ranked From Most To Least Likely To Die In A Horror Movie

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